Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Charlie and the Vet

It was time for Charlie's rabies shot and so off we went. The husband the dog and me. Charlie rides well in the car, unlike Ollie who used to try and climb me and then hang from my head like a badly fitting scarf. Charlie, however sat nicely on my lap and I noticed that he has to have a paw on my arm at all times. maybe he was doing it for balance but maybe he just felt better holding onto mommy's arm.

We get to the vet and are hardly out of the car when Miss Kathrine comes out of the office, throws her arms wide open and calls out "there's my Charlie Boy!" Charlie raced to her to be swept up into her arms and I don't know who nuzzled more, Miss Katherine or Charlie. In the waiting room, kisses had to be gotten from and given to Miss Tabby. Charlie strutted around that waiting room as if he was the king of the world and when it was time to see the Doctor, the other two lab techs were in the room with us. It was like a party with laughing and smiling, no one able to quite believe the miracle of Charlie who doubled his weight in only 10 days.

Charlie was good for the vet. They were able to remove the tick that Older son and I had failed to do because we just couldn't hold charlie still long enough to remove it. They removed it easily and hopefully if he gets another one, I'll be able to remove it even if both the sons and the husband has to lay on Charlie to hold him still.

Charlie was equally good on the ride home. I took him into the house while the husband took off to do work stuff and I was going to follow once Charlie went for his nap. Charlie has never been home alone and I hoped that if he was sleeping when I left that he would sleep through the afternoon.


The husband had turned up the air conditioning before we left for the vet and Charlie, who lies ON the vent, was unhappy and whined at me until I turned it down a degree and the air condtioning kicked on. Is some puppy spoiled? Probably... ok yes he is. He doesn't need to see the vet for a year but it will be sooner than that because we are planning to srupise the vet and staff with make their own ice cream sundaes as a way of saying thank you.

Yes I know they were doing their job. Yes I know if they didn't love animals they wouldn's have the jobs that they had. Yes I know they got paid for it. BUT THEY SAVED CHARLIE'S LIFE. If I could, I'd give them gold but ice cream will have to do.

Not all angels have wings.

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