and really have no good excuse.
Charlie, for all of his size is really a very good boy. We really need to take him to the vet's just so they can see the fruits of their labor after they pulled out all of the stops to save him when he was a baby.
Charlie met snow for the first time this weekend and wanted no part of it. He'd go out on the porch (there's an awning overhead, but that is as far as he would go. He ended up making a puddle in the kitchen overnight but we didn't discipline him for that. Anyone can make a puddle every once in awhile.
Saturday morning, again, Charlie didn't want to leave the porch but Kali didn't care. She went down the steps and through the snow as if it wasn't even there. Of course, there was hardly any snow to begin with, just enough to turn the yard white. Then Kali barked at something and since, in our house, there is always an alternate barking back up dog, Charlie took off forgetting the alien white stuff that coated the ground. He's part Lab for god's sake wit the webbed feet to go along with it. How bad can snow be?
Not bad at all give the way both Charlie and Kali killed all of the clumps of snow, showered down by Oldest Son's scraping of the car. They killed all of the snow that was threatening to... who knows what in the mind of dogs, take over the world? Steal their hidden bones? Rise up and carry us off. But now we are safe.
As I mentioned before, Charlie is a big boy. He reminds me of a lion. You see lions on those nature shows and when they aren't sleeping or chasing down something to kill they have this soft footed walk, slow and steady one foot then the other. He even seems to have a mane hugging his neck as well and still has those gorgeous Charlie eyes of his. I really need to take some pics of him. I even bought a new camera but photos intimidate me. Maybe I should just give the camera to Charlie and let him take his own self portrait.
Charlie is not as affectionate as Rocco and Ollie were and I miss that. Much of the time, he doesn't want me touching him at all but he still gives me kisses that clean my face and smear my glasses but I long to throw my arms around him and hold him close. I can do that with Kali but, I have to initiate it. How I long for something to throw itself into my arms to be cuddled and fussed over. Even my cats, Chloe and Bella are standoffish. Oh I can pet them but I can't even think of picking them up. You'd think I was killling them by the way they fight to get free.
All in all, I',m happy with the dogs. I do try to not compare them to the two I lost but it's damned hard. Christmas was especially hard. Last year we knew Rocco was dying but had no clue that Ollie would follow him. This year I wanted Rocco and Ollie so badly that I would find myself breaking down over the most ridiculous things. Harry Potter for instance, part one of the deathly hallow when Dobby dies and Luna tells Harry to close Dobby's eyes so that Dobby looks like he's sleeping. Ollie died with his eyes open, looking into Josh's face and there was no way I could get them to close afterward so Ollie was buried with his eyes wide open.
As I write this, I sit here crying like a baby. When I die, I want to cross that rainbow bridge. The heck with human heaven and its angels and clouds. I want to cross the bridge and toll in the grass with the dogs and cats and b=pigs and what all that I have loved and lost. Now THA's ,u odea of heaven.
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