We were told that Charlie was Black Lab and white Shepherd but someone forgot to mention that splash of Lion. Charlie looks as if he has a mane and he is HUGE!! Much bigger than Shepherd or Lab. Not just tall but long and muscular. I swear I could climb on h is back and ride him. And yet, with all of that bigness comes a baby's heart who is afraid of Michael swatting flies and who MUST KISS me on the mouth when I come home, or else. Gentle giant is the term that comes to mind. He is bigger than Kali, even his teeth are bigger than hers. Think Quaterback and the cheerleader and you have them perfectly. He adores Kali and she him and he grows smarter every day.
There is another love in Charlie's life and that is going to the store with Josh. Not that Charlie ever gets to go INTO the store, rather he is just going along for the ride. Josh used to take Rocco and I know it broke his heart once Rocco was gone, it's now been almost a year. The gas station guy, where Josh goes for his cigarettes had even asked after Rocco. ANYWAY. Now it's Josh and Charlie and gas station guy occasionally comes out to give Charlie a treat and someone is always willing to rub his head and tell him what a good boy he is.
Last night it was raining like a son of a gun and Josh decided to leave Charlie at home. Charlie had other ideas and hustled after him but Josh was too fast and closed the door before Charlie could get there. First Charlie tried to ram his way through the door then came out with the most woeful heartbreaking howl you would ever want to hear. I have never heard any animal cry like that. Josh heard it too and Charlie joined him on that ride, even tho he did get the seats muddy with his big old baseball mitt paws.
Guess that will teach us. Josh is not allowed to go to the store without Charlie. Seems simple enough.